USD 2625 billion per year - Total Cost of Global Food Losses and Wastage

- USD 2625 billion per Year- 
Total Cost of Global Food Losses & Wastage

Why food losses and wastage is the biggest challange today for humanity?
Approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. The economic costs of this food wastage are substantial and amount to about USD 1 trillion each year. 

The best way to dispose food is 'eat it'. If not consumed it can add to serious problem of pollution. 

Food that is produced, but never consumed, still causes environmental impacts to the atmosphere, water, land and biodiversity. 

These environmental costs must be paid by society and future generations. 

Furthermore, by contributing to environmental degradation and increasing the scarcity of natural resources, food wastage is associated with wider social costs that affect people’s well-being and livelihoods. 

The hidden costs of food wastage extend much further. Quantifying the full costs of food wastage improves our understanding of the global food system and enables action to address supply chain weaknesses and disruptions that are likely to threaten the viability of future food systems, food security and sustainable development.

FAO made an attempt to calculate the cost of food wastage and losses. The outcome is quite shocking. Please read this and also promise, you will not wastage food now onward, either at home or outside home. 

Read the following table and Spread this message as well.
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