Soy Nutrition and Soy Opportunities - Creating Linkages

'Soy Nutrition and Soy Opportunities - Creating Linkages'

India is suffering from chronic malnutrition. Protein intake per capita is going down and source of proteins are becoming unaffordable to common man. This will be the big challange for policy makers of India to ensure good and affordable diet for masses. 

Till date, I have not seen any serious effort and action plan to address the issues of nutrition security and food security for masses. There is no plan to ensure these vital dimensions of society. 

I am honoured to be invited to Moderate the Conference and also to deliver two talks on the subject:

1. Introduction to “Soy Nutrition and Soy Opportunities - Creating Linkages”

2. Presentation on "Soy Foods – A sustainable source of low cost nutrition and creating the employment opportunities" 

Conference is being organised by USSEC in collaboration with the Association of Food Scientists and Technologist, Soy Food Promotion and Welfare Association, Soy Processors Association of India on the Dec 28, 2016 in Mumbai.  

The participation is by invitation only. If you are keen to attend, please contact the organisers. 

Conference details as shared by the organisers, is give below:

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