
Showing posts with the label Public Policy

Uranium Contamination is the cause of cancer in Punjab, not pesticides.

Medical Research / Investigations says, Uranium Contamination is the cause of cancer in Punjab, not pesticides. Why Facts are ignored and Myths are shared? By: Vijay Sardana As a consumer, I am always concerned why there is always much negative news about food and cancer in India that too from one region only. I started exploring the facts to understand the facts. It was very interesting to note that there is a systematic campaign to defame Indian agriculture and hurt the farmer's interest in the globally competitive industry and to defame Indian agri-input industry. Please keep in mind – no one is a saint in this world, not even 5 star NGOs. They also need funds to survive and to meet their expensive needs. People distort facts and go the extra- mile to fulfil their vested interest. NGOs are no exceptions, they are also manage by average human beings, not saints. Let me share some of the facts for you to evaluate the factual position: As early as 1995, Guru ...

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister on Post COVID-19 Revival Package

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister on Post COVID-19 Revival Package 14 May 2020 To, Sh. Narendra Modi ji Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Government of India New Delhi Subject: I n your big plan, hope you will address these serious gaps as well Respected Sir, These are difficult times for everyone, but very difficult time for many those who have no association, no lobby, no voice, and no access to digital and social media. Will they get justice through economic revival package? All those who ate today must thank the farmer.  >  Can we think of law and order and investments in a country of 138 crore people without food security?  >   Is it possible to think big and far without food security?  >  Is it possible to have COVID-19 lockdown to control the spread without food security?  The answer is NO.  Sir, I must compliment you for your vision for India and the road map, which you have projected for t...

Analysis - COVID-19 Spread Index (CSI) exposes misleading Human Development Index (HDI)

Emerging COVID-19 Spread Index exposes misleading Human Development Index By: Vijay SARDANA The Human Development Index – or simply, HDI – is an index that is used to rank countries based on human development. Human Development Index is scored using indicators including expectancy, per capita income, and education. Nations that rank higher on this index have a higher level of education, a higher lifespan, and a higher gross national income per capita than nations with a lower score. HDI is ranked on a scale from 0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being the highest human development. HDI is broken down into four tiers: very high human development (0.8-1.0), high human development (0.7-0.79), medium human development (0.55-.70), and low human development (below 0.55). Most countries that are “developed countries” have an HDI score of 0.8 or above (in the very high human development tier). These countries have stable governments, widespread education and healthcare, high life expectan...

COVID-19 and Emerging New World Order

COVID-19 and Emerging New Economic World Order  by: Vijay SARDANA American companies greed is responsible for China’s rise and America's fall. Who invested in China the most? Why the invested in China so much - For-profit of their own or for the benefit of America? Think over it.  China's rise is assured, India can also take second place, but for our low ethical standards in business, we will suffer until we put our house in order. Indian managers should realize the benefit of good governance to control short-sighted gains & greed in business management. The fact still is that without innovations, India cannot match China. In the emerging  world economic order, Russia will try to destabilize American fuel and defence industry. China, on the other hand, will try to destabilize western IT, consumer products, textile, chemicals, metal industries, etc. They both will collaborate to gain leadership position in the world order....

Voters & Cadres Mindset and Parliamentary Election - 10 Key Messages from Indian Political Discourses

2019 Indian Parliamentary Election Testing time for Indian Voters and its impact on Political Outcomes Why exit polls may go wrong? By: Vijay Sardana Last five years were very interesting in Indian political space. Many experiments were done by voters and that has made Indian democracy more mature. Please consider all elections including national, states and local elections in the last five years as part of political experiments by Indian voters. Indian Citizens and Voters will display their true political wisdom and learning from last 5 years in 2019 which many political debates on TV and in media is not discussing because channels are taking political positions and not allowing logical discourse to happen. In Indian mainline media, economics is suppressing sociology. Nothing wrong from their angle, they also need money to survive. After all, governments (states + union + local bodies) spend billions of dollars on media advertisements in 5 years and all want to enj...