
Do we really respect Knowledge more than Money?

Do we really respect Knowledge more than Money? Please recall stories you must have a heard few years very good artist or poet or sports person died in poverty, because no one was there to pay for his or her talent. Has situation changed now? Have we started valuing intellectual capital in this country? I don't think so. Recently, I was at Press Club, while sitting with journalist friends many were coming there after attending seminars. Few of them commented what a waste of time and money.   When asked why so…the answer was same issues, same people, same routine discussions, nothing new, even minister’s speech was same. This took an interesting turn and initiated an interesting discussion on why there are so many seminars in India all the time, but nothing happens on ground. Now, we all have to ask the basic question: Are they really required? Are they really making any difference to anyone, other than organizers (because they collect money from ...

Challenge for Food & Poultry Industry : Now and in Future

Challenge for Food & Poultry Industry :  Now and in Future   This is the ground reality in USA, what is the status else where? Think about it and read below...

Ordinance for Legal Acquisition Reforms will increase 'Political Risks'

Ordinance for Legal Acquisition Reforms will increase ' Political Risks ' for Investors The Government of India on Monday (29.12.2014) approved an ordinance to amend the Land Acquisition Act to remove barriers in a range of sectors like power, housing and defense to kick-start stalled projects. At a news briefing, finance minister Arun Jaitley said the five areas were clearance for land for defense purposes, rural infrastructure, affordable housing and housing projects for poor, industrial corridors, and infrastructure or social infrastructure projects, including those in public-private projects in which ownership of land will remain with the government. Mr. Jaitley said while the compensation will remain high as per the act, and rehabilitation and resettlement will be followed, the procedure for acquiring land for these projects will be easier by omitting steps like social impact assessment, impact on food security, and consent of 80 per cent land owne...

World's Biggest Conglomerate can emerge in India

World's Biggest Conglomerate may Emerge in India Game Changers for Indian Economy - Indian Railway, Indian Post & BSNL Ask any leading industrialist or business house in the world, what you want to have to become the fastest growing organization in the World with least effort? The answer will be :   Give me captive consumers Give me infrastructure to reach out to them with trained human resource Virtual monopoly to run the show Now look at some hard facts about Indian railways: More than 8250 million customers are forced comes to you every year because they have no other option to travel You have 1.3 million skilled employees and all of these employees are earning almost 7 to 8 times of national average per capita income About 7200 outlets i.e. outlets to service the captive 8250 customers All outlets are landmarks in their own right and they are ideally located. having the largest network of 62 ICDs/CFSs in India Railways have 1,25,000 acres of u...

Effective Strategy to Penetrate Global Poultry Trade

Effective Strategy to Penetrate Global Trade Case Study : Effective Strategy to Penetrate Global Poultry Trade