World's Biggest Conglomerate can emerge in India

World's Biggest Conglomerate may Emerge in India

Game Changers for Indian Economy - Indian Railway, Indian Post & BSNL

Ask any leading industrialist or business house in the world, what you want to have to become the fastest growing organization in the World with least effort?

The answer will be : 
  • Give me captive consumers
  • Give me infrastructure to reach out to them with trained human resource
  • Virtual monopoly to run the show
Now look at some hard facts about Indian railways:
  • More than 8250 million customers are forced comes to you every year because they have no other option to travel
  • You have 1.3 million skilled employees and all of these employees are earning almost 7 to 8 times of national average per capita income
  • About 7200 outlets i.e. outlets to service the captive 8250 customers
  • All outlets are landmarks in their own right and they are ideally located.
  • having the largest network of 62 ICDs/CFSs in India
  • Railways have 1,25,000 acres of unused land with well developed infrastructure at the shortest distance at no additional cost.
  • More than 100,000 kms of telecommunication cabling and network 
  • They have more than 600,000 hoardings (i.e. railway coaches and wagons) of 23 meters each which are moveable and weather resistant with in-build power generation capability. 
  • Cost of movement of these 600,000 hoardings is also free
Let us now see India Post has to offer:
India has the largest Postal Network in the world with over 1,55,015 Post Offices (as on 31.03.2009) of which 1,39,144 (89.76%) are in the rural areas. 
On an average, a Post Office serves an area of 21.21 Sq. Km and a population of 7175 people.

In my view, this is the only organization in the world which can service 1 billion people face-to-face every year.

Now let is know the strength of BSNL:
  • BSNL has about 43.74 million line basic telephone capacity, 
  • 8.83 million WLL capacity, 
  • 72.60 million GSM capacity,
  • 37,885 fixed exchanges, 
  • 68,162 GSM BTSs, 
  • 12,071 CDMA Towers, 
  • 197 Satellite Stations, 
  • 6,86,644 RKm. of OFC, 
  • 50,430 RKm. of microwave network 
  • connecting 623 districts, 7330 cities/towns & 5.8 lakhs villages .
  • 90.09 million cellular & 5.06 million WLL customers as on 31.07.2011. 
  • 24.58 million wireline phone subscribers i.e. 71.93% share of the wireline subscriber base. 
  • 8.09 million broadband customers.
BSNL has set up a world class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent IP infrastructure that provides convergent services like voice, data & video through the same Backbone & Broadband Access Network.

Just think about a situation where:

Indian Railways, Indian post and BSNL resources are merged and Steve Job of Apple, Walt Disney of Disney Land and Sam Walton of Walmart,Frederick W. Smith,FedEx, Founder were asked to join the Board on this Indian Conglomerate and were given free hand to shape and run this organization in a country with 1250 million population with democratic rights and global aspirations. 

This can easily add one 1 trillion dollar economic activity to India's real economy - government revenue, rural economy, employment generation and share market capitalization will grow many folds.

Just think it over.

Why can't we make World's Biggest Conglomerate?

Answer is simple because our small political & vested interests will never allow this to happen.

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