Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister on Post COVID-19 Revival Package

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister on Post COVID-19 Revival Package
14 May 2020
Sh. Narendra Modi ji
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
Government of India
New Delhi
Subject: In your big plan, hope you will address these serious gaps as well
Respected Sir,
These are difficult times for everyone, but very difficult time for many those who have no association, no lobby, no voice, and no access to digital and social media. Will they get justice through economic revival package?
All those who ate today must thank the farmer. 
Can we think of law and order and investments in a country of 138 crore people without food security? 
>  Is it possible to think big and far without food security? 
Is it possible to have COVID-19 lockdown to control the spread without food security? 
The answer is NO. 
Sir, I must compliment you for your vision for India and the road map, which you have projected for the nation. I fully support your agenda of self-reliant India. There is no world market which can feed and take care of the needs of 138 crore people.  
Sir, in your big plan, there is a serious gap. 
According to the census of India, 47.3% of the farmers (about 70 million in total) in the country are landless tillers. They cultivate crops on land they do not own, for wages or a portion of the harvest. Where is the space for landless and small farmers of perishable crops like poultry, milk and vegetables and fruits? As of today, these segments are not covered by any plan and schemes. They do not own land thus they do not qualify for schemes planned for farmers, but they are the true farmers.  
Need your urgent attention on these small farmers of personable crops:
A large number of small landless farm workers and small farmers take the farm on rent. They go to moneylenders take money to buy inputs. Crop farmers buy seeds, chemicals, and fertilizer. The poultry farmers buy day-old chicks, feed, & medicine to produce poultry meat and egg. The dairy farmers buy feed, grass and other services. Most of them buy on credit in the absence of any financial liquidity.
As soon as the crop, poultry birds, and milk are ready, farmers sell these crops, to pay back to the moneylenders, material suppliers and rent to the farm owner. The leftover is his income. Most of these crops are perishable and there is no way these small farmers can store.  
These farmers have already invested their borrowed capital in inputs. Currently, these farmers have been not able to sell the output due to COVID-19 lockdown. This lockdown has made them not only bankrupt but also pushed them into the deep debt trap. 
Now, they do not have the capital to restart. Existing inputs suppliers are also facing financial crunch as their funds are also blocked. These landless farmers are in no position to payback. Who will help them to revive their lives and livelihoods?
In policy and schemes, farmers mean landowners. The proposed agriculture schemes do not include those who work on rented farms. Government has announced schemes for farmers, what about these landless farmers?
Why revival plan must address poultry and perishable crop farmers?
These farmers are vital to ensure India’s food security but they also provide a market to a large number of other farmers and large companies. Example: Poultry farmers are the biggest market for maize and oilseed farmers. Without poultry, prices for maize, other grains, and oilseed will also collapse. Without small farmers, what will happen to seed, chemicals, fertilizer, steel, and plastic companies? They all will collapse due to lack of demand. Before lockdown, maize was selling at Rs. 22 per kg, after the collapse of the poultry sector, now maize is selling at Rs. 11 per kg, much below MSP. 60% of total maize production is consumed by the poultry sector. Oilseed sector is facing heat because there is no market for oil meals. 70% of the total oil meal in India is consumed by the poultry sector.
The fact of the matter is all segments of agro-economy are interdependent and vital links in the process of development. We cannot afford to ignore anyone otherwise; the chain of supply and development will be affected badly.
Most important, these small farmers do not demand a job from the government and do not migrate to cities in search of jobs. The day this will happen our cities will collapse and India will become crime capital. 
Sir, all high-flying corporates and shareholders dealing with agriculture and livestock-related sectors earn from small farmers and pay GST and other taxes to the government. At the same time, the base of the pyramid should be strong so that country and economy can sustain the jerks like COVID-19 lockdown.
Now, the basic question remains:
What are your plans for these landless and small farmers of poultry, dairy and horticulture? 
What help the government is planning to secure their livelihood and bring these farmers back into profession?
Sir, as you always say that we cannot ignore these marginalized people, therefore anxiously looking forward to your plans for small landless farmers and small livestock owners.
I am sure under your able leadership these people will have proper support and policy regime as well.
With best regards,
(Feel free to share with your comments)
(More sector wise analysis is given on this blog)
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  1. Very true, also i suggest farm land sale to stop. Last 5 years if we do analysis atleast 15% of India agriculture land was converted to NA and than concrete jungle building, malls shops and multistorey appartment are constructed... We have to stop this.

  2. Sir, you are touching the real and ground issues. Hope govt. Will look this.

  3. Poultry farmers are not only farmers but they are under micro enterpreneur ship and enjoy industry benefits.while other land tillters not farmers do the business by lenting out lands from other land owners who may be rich or not interested.this is also not a catogery to be considered as farmers only those who has his own land and cultivate regularly but unable to such cases Govt must make sure of their lives.
    Others may be given benefits under micro enterprises

  4. I fully agree with these are the top priority sectors and govt must think of their future


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