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COVID-19 outbreak exploded in Dec. 2019, but US Congress introduced the law in Jan. 2019 in US Congress? Why?

Asking in Public Interest:
Advocate, Delhi High Court
& Techno-Legal Expert

Brief about

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Source of the following information is US Congress Library

Public Law No: 116-136 (03/27/2020)

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the CARES Act
This bill responds to the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) outbreak and its impact on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals, and businesses.
This division establishes the Paycheck Protection Program to provide eight weeks of cash flow assistance to small businesses through federally guaranteed loans to employers who maintain their payroll. Such assistance shall be to cover costs such as payroll, paid sick leave, supply chain disruptions, and employee salaries. The division further provides that certain amounts owed on such loans are eligible to be forgiven.
The division also authorizes the Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide advances on SBA emergency disaster loans for small businesses that have applied for such loans due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, the division requires the SBA to pay all principal, interest, and fees on certain new and existing SBA loans for a period of six months.
Please study the Chronological details when Bill was introduced and when it was passed:
Date Chamber All Actions Except Amendments
03/31/2020-3:03pm House POSITION STATEMENTS FOR THE RECORD - The Chair announced that all Members may have five legislative days in which to include their stated position on the voice vote on the motion to concur in the Senate amendment to H.R. 748, and those statements will appear in the appropriate point in the Record. Agreed to without objection.
Became Public Law No: 116-136.
Signed by President.
03/27/2020 House Presented to President.
03/27/2020-1:27pm House Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
03/27/2020-1:26pm House OBJECTION TO VOTE - At the conclusion of debate on the motion to concur in the Senate amendment to H.R. 748, the Chair put the question on the motion and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Massie demanded a recorded vote, and the Chair determined that an insufficient number of Members having arisen, the demand for a recorded vote was refused. Mr. Massie made a point of order that a quorum was not present and the Chair counted for a quorum. Subsequently, the Chair announced that a quorum was present.
03/27/2020-1:25pm House On motion that the House agree to the Senate amendment Agreed to by voice vote. (text: CR H1732-1818)
03/27/2020-1:25pm House The previous question was ordered pursuant to H.Res. 911.
03/27/2020-9:06am House DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 911, the House proceeded with 3 hours of debate on the motion that the House concur in the Senate amendment to H.R. 748.
03/27/2020-9:05am House Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 911, Mr. Hoyer moved that the House concur in the Senate amendment to H.R. 748. (consideration: CR H1732-1864)
03/26/2020 Senate Message on Senate action sent to the House.
03/25/2020 Senate Passed Senate, under the order of 3/25/20, having achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 96 - 0. Record Vote Number: 80.
03/25/2020 Senate Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S2059-2060)
03/25/2020 Senate Second cloture motion on the motion to proceed to the measure withdrawn by unanimous consent in Senate. (CR S2059)
03/25/2020 Senate Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate. (CR S2022)
03/24/2020 Senate Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate. (CR S1976)
03/23/2020 Senate Second cloture motion on the motion to proceed to the measure presented in Senate. (CR S1957)
03/23/2020 Senate Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate. (CR S1929)
03/23/2020 Senate Upon reconsideration, cloture on the motion to proceed to the measure not invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 49 - 46. Record Vote Number: 78. (CR S1928)
03/23/2020 Senate Motion by Senator McConnell to reconsider the vote by which cloture on the motion to proceed to the measure was not invoked (Record Vote No. 77) agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
03/23/2020 Senate Motion to proceed to consideration of the motion to reconsider the vote by which cloture on the motion to proceed to the measure was not invoked (Record Vote No. 77) agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (CR S1921)
03/22/2020 Senate Motion by Senator McConnell to reconsider the vote by which cloture on the motion to proceed to the measure was not invoked (Record Vote No. 77) entered in Senate.
03/22/2020 Senate Cloture on the motion to proceed to the measure not invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 - 47. Record Vote Number: 77. (CR S1901)
03/22/2020 Senate Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate. (CR S1895S1897S1913)
03/21/2020 Senate Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate. (CR S1882)
03/20/2020 Senate Cloture motion on the motion to proceed to the measure presented in Senate. (CR S1876)
03/20/2020 Senate Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate. (CR S1876)
07/22/2019 Senate Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 157.
07/18/2019 Senate Received in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
07/17/2019-6:57pm House Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
07/17/2019-6:57pm House On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 419 - 6 (Roll no. 493). (text: CR H5958-5959)
07/17/2019-6:44pm House Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H5980-5981)
07/17/2019-5:03pm House At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.
07/17/2019-4:24pm House DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 748.
07/17/2019-4:23pm House Considered under suspension of the rules. (consideration: CR H5958-5973)
07/17/2019-4:23pm House Mr. Neal moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended.
07/17/2019-4:23pm House The Chair announced the Speaker's designation, pursuant to clause 7(a)(1) of rule 15, of H.R. 748 as the measure on the Consensus Calendar to be considered this week.
07/17/2019 House Assigned to the Consensus Calendar, Calendar No. 2.
05/21/2019 House Motion to place bill on Consensus Calendar filed by Mr. Courtney.
01/24/2019 House Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
01/24/2019 House Introduced in House

The first case of COVID-19 in US :
On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting for approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after travelling to visit family in Wuhan, China.

When first case of COVID-19 came into light in Jan. 2020, US Congress debating law since Jan.2019? Why?

If you have any justification, please share.
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