CAG & CBI must investigate - Why cartels are allowed to make food toxic in India? Who is accountable?

CAG and CBI must investigate - Why cartels are allowed to make food toxic in India? 

Who is accountable?

This suggested unsafe and illogical approach is are based on 100% imported inputs by Cartels, will close down many honest small and medium food companies, will make food expensive for common man, will create more plastic pollution and increase corruption at all levels and will make cartel and their in-house supporters financially rich at the cost of public health and national welfare. 
Please read every slide carefully to come to logical conclusion. Please feel free to share with all.  Feel free to send your comments as well. 

As a well informed citizen on this subject, I am concerned about this development and that is why raising my voice to protect health of my fellow countrymen and open to discuss with anyone, anytime, at any forum.
Are we planning to serve adultrated fortified food in India for masses?

In place of addressing issues of massive adultration, FSSAI is promoting commercial interest of donors and cartels. Why they are so keen to please cartels by ignoring their prime duty. After all big money is involved and many things can be purchased. Someone can be, but are we as country for sale?
Even President Trump Ordered action against Vitamin cartel.
Read very carefully, how some of the best organisation work in public interest to protect public health.
Why this is not happening in India, especially when the management of FSSAI lacks technical background and expertise on the subject. Who is accountable for such appointments and postings?
Why FSSAI do not believe in transparancy? Why External evaluation is missing when health of 1.3 billion people with diversified health status is at stake?
Why FSSAI is not accountable to people of India and why FSSAI is ignoring findings of CAG and Parliamentary standing committee? Who is accountable to fix this malfunctioning system which is captured by cartels?

Read the following medical references carefully and why FSSAI accepted the distorted and manipulated version of literature from Vitamin Cartel without making all documents public? Who is so keen to push commercial interest at the cost of public interets? This needs CBI investgiation.

The latest report published in "Advances in Nutrtion" say, Old Concept of fortification is out. 
Like cholestrol lobby which is now removed as threat to human health, exploited consumesr for 20 years and extracted about USD 2 trillion from consumers. Now, fortification lobby is fooling all of us and planning to exploit Indian consumers with the supported of few inside the system. Please Note: Medical professionals are opposing this indisriminate fortification because this will lead to more health problems than solutions.

FSSAI officers is keen to listen and support to Fortification lobby and cash rich vitamin cartel but not to the request of Sports Authority of India. Who is accountable for this irresponsble behaviour?

Who fund these bodies, please do the internet search. All the donors for these NGOs have commercial interest in pharma and vitamin businesses. These bodies are cover-up as their marketing divisions in the name of charity and development. Please do internet search to get more  facts and develop a trail of fund flow. Why FSSAI is bending backward to please them? Whose interest is protected by these cash rich NGOs with in the departments? CBI must investigate the whole process of decsion making.

All dealing with public health must be made accountable at all levels and by all stakeholders.
How the eyewash game is played in the name of food safety? All training and publicity records must be made public and must be investigated.

In its report of 2017, CAG has also higlighted poor functioning of FSSAI. Who will plug these gaps and holes.
The leadership dealing with sensitive issues like fortification do not have competency either by qualification or by experience. Why we cannot identify competent people in India to run these senstive activities. Who created incompetent body must be investigated? Why a non-competent person should lead such a sensitive work which will hurt health of 1.3 billion people. 
It seems today, FSSAI is filled with either "Yes men" or people with temporary assignments who are at mercy of someone for their existence. Is this good for India and good people of India?
Many leading medical professionals and concerned organsations have started raisng this issue at the highest level. But why system was so slack that Cartels made inroel into FSSAI and playing with public health of India? Who is accountabel?

Use technology to ensure safe food at all levels.

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