
Showing posts with the label Food Laws:

COVID-19 and Emerging New World Order

COVID-19 and Emerging New Economic World Order  by: Vijay SARDANA American companies greed is responsible for China’s rise and America's fall. Who invested in China the most? Why the invested in China so much - For-profit of their own or for the benefit of America? Think over it.  China's rise is assured, India can also take second place, but for our low ethical standards in business, we will suffer until we put our house in order. Indian managers should realize the benefit of good governance to control short-sighted gains & greed in business management. The fact still is that without innovations, India cannot match China. In the emerging  world economic order, Russia will try to destabilize American fuel and defence industry. China, on the other hand, will try to destabilize western IT, consumer products, textile, chemicals, metal industries, etc. They both will collaborate to gain leadership position in the world order....

Food Security of India - Fake or Real?

Food Security of India -  Fake or Real? Follow: @vijaysardana Feel free to share... Follow: @vijaysardana Feel free to share you comments and with your friends...

Politics of Trade - How and Why Indian Poultry Sector is under Threat?

Conflict of Interest and  Politics of Trade How and Why Indian Poultry Sector is under threat? By: Vijay Sardana Game plan of Foreign Funded NGOs to destabilise Indian Poultry Market to promote Imports from Donor Countries. (Read carefully, your sector may be next in line) India is a huge market. Another example of unfair business practises to make entry into Indian markets after stories like Mustard oil is bad, ghee is bad, spices are bad, coconut oil is pure poison, all generic pesticides are bad, etc. etc. now target is poultry sector. Read it careful, how this game is unfolding. Feel free to share. At the outside let me say that no sensible person will ever oppose the need to have better animal welfare, better and safe food, good climate change and control of disease in human, animals, and plants. At the same time, these are highly technical issues and have a very serious interplay. Indian poultry researchers and scientists have proposed a standard af...

Damaging & Sensitive Unanswered Questions on Harmful Fortification to Food Safety Authority

Damaging & Sensitive Unanswered Questions on Harmful Fortification to Food Safety Authority Questions which FSSAI Must answer to address the concerns of involvement of Vitamin Cartel in Food Fortification FSSAI issued FAQs to cover-up the nefarious and disastrous acts of Vitamin cartel and pushing the people to adopt unsafe synthetic vitamins in foods. Even today, WHO website says further studies are required to recommend fortification in staples. Many studies have clearly indicated that food fortification needs very close monitoring and must not be uniform for all population. But FSSAI has gone ahead and issued a notification on fortification to serve whose interest? Definitely there is more than what is visible to all. As citizen, member of civil society and based on discussion with food and medical experts,  I have following questions, which should be addressed by FSSAI to clarify the doubts and to understand the reasons behind so much excitement for foo...

CAG & CBI must investigate - Why cartels are allowed to make food toxic in India? Who is accountable?

CAG and CBI must investigate - Why cartels are allowed to make food toxic in India?  Who is accountable? This suggested unsafe and illogical approach is are based on 100% imported inputs by Cartels, will close down many honest small and medium food companies, will make food expensive for common man, will create more plastic pollution and increase corruption at all levels and will make cartel and their in-house supporters financially rich at the cost of public health and national welfare.  Please read every slide carefully to come to logical conclusion. Please feel free to share with all.   Feel free to send your comments as well.  As a well informed citizen on this subject, I am concerned about this development and that is why raising my voice to protect health of my fellow countrymen  and open to discuss with anyone, anytime, at any forum. Are we planning to serve adultrated fortified food in India for masses? In place of addressing iss...