Common Man's Proposals for Union Budget

Common Man's Proposals for Union Budget- Will government Listen

My heartiest respect and tribute to RK Laxman, who was representing us all the time, without fear, favour and charge,  but was never nominated to Rajya Sabha or elected to Lok Sabha or any Assembly. Still he was better representative of Common man than any elected representative. Why?

Can we and our elected representatives learn from his contribution? Think about it.
The most important assets of India, produced in India, for India are Citizens of Indian. The biggest question is, 'Do we have policies and systems to take care of them or not?'

In last 68 years, we have seen lot of policy initiatives and activities to address the biggest question in any democracy - 'Ensure welfare of people'. There can be various versions what we have done and what we have not done in last 68 years. I will prefer not to spend time on last 68 years because I cannot change anything which is part of the history now. Those who are planning for future of India must learn from History, else they will be part of history soon. 

Make in India - By Whom and For whom:

It is good India is gaining global attention but who will give attention to common man on India and address his concerns. Will foreigners invest in India to solve our problems or to make profit for their shareholders? It is important to give attention to Foreign investors, but will we give similar attention to our local industry and address their problems from inspector raj and outdated laws and illogical taxation systems at faster pace, the way we are doing for foreigner investors. Example: Nuclear Deal.

During the Postal department days it use to take 5 years to understand what government is doing or not doing, in electronically connected world, it take 5 months to decide the fate of the ruling party. Delhi election is one learning for all. 

Now, we have new government which came to power with lot of assurances and hope for common man to solve the problem of India forever. In last 9 months they have studied India in Detail and now, hopefully, their blueprint for India must be ready. 
Will this budget address the following issues as promised in election manifesto:

1. How many people will get food as per their minimum nutritional requirement mainly protein. I am not asking for more of carbohydrate, fat and protein after this budget?

2. How many kids in India will remain undernourished or malnourished after this budget? I know government cannot remove poverty because they have to also give incentives to well-to-do people because they contribute to political fund for the party for election. Poor man is actually a political liability for any party. One must accept this fact. Political parties cannot spend more than required time and resources on poor people because they also have to arrange funds for next election. 
3.  How much quantity of food grains will rot this year in FCI godowns? By now, government must be having clear data about storage space available and their plans to procure food grains from the mandies (agriculture market yards). If there was lot work on improving productivity in last few years and no investment in warehousing, technically wastage should go up.

4. How many farmers will commit suicide after the Budget 2015 in BJP ruled states? It is important to know because after the Budget of 2015, government must be in a position to reply how to ensure minimum wages and minimum livelihood conditions for the farmers. There must be contingency plan to handle the situation in case their is drought in certain areas of India.
5. What will be the consumer price inflation in coming financial year? If we see the data submitted in stock market by the corporates and financial conditions of the states and central government department and the was spending is cut across the board, it is clear that there is no additional revenue flowing to the government. In fact, slow down in many sectors will cut revenue options. The only tax which can improve the government revenue, after all forms of taxes is, the"Survival tax for Common man". Else we should introduce Gossip Tax, Smile Tax, Tax on Voting (after Delhi Election Results), Tax on filing FIR, etc. etc.

6.  Can "Make in India" ensure food and job security for all? If we cannot ensure proper food and job for all, what else we are planning to make and for whom. I agree, we need jobs and funds to run the country, but food production is a recession proof industry in a market where 30 % people out of 1.26 billion are waiting for food and clean water for survival. How much we should invest in these activities. Let us wait for budget day.

7.  Swach Bharat Abhiyan - Clean India campaign will generate more tax: As long as you are selling adulterated and unhygienic food there is no tax, but in case you want to invest and to make it hygienic and pack, it you have to pay the tax. Check Indian tax laws even today, Hygiene is taxed in India. Can we attract tourism when food and water is not safe for consumption and no check on adulteration

8.  How much employment generation will be projected in coming Budget?

Election manifest says few million jobs every year will be created. Will it happen? If yes, what type of jobs we will create. Will it improve per capita income of common man so that he can send his kids to higher education. Will he be able to afford EMIs for low cost housing loan and college fee for his kids. Will he survive the inflation with dignity in coming days? These are the questions because till date even farmers are not able to recover their cost of production.

Even after all these economic developments that, if you are not satisfied, please get ready for the following, in that case you have only one which which can protect you, "Appeal under Human Rights Commission" to seek 'Right to Live with Dignity from the Policy Makers'.

You may call me pessimist, but I am realistic, just do the calculations and try to answer with facts, not just perceptions and assumptions. 

Please answer my concerns and keep in mind we are adding about 1.5 million people every year to our population. Please fact this in your calculation for 2019 when current government will go for re-election.

Please don't ask questions from me because I have no answer to your questions related to common man.

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