Will Wheat become By-product Soon?

Will Wheat become By-product Soon?

Fodder Cost will decide the Cropping pattern in coming days

Friends, I was in Punjab and Haryana area of India to study what is happening in the fields and how things are changing in the main agriculture belt of India i.e. Punjab and Haryana. Punjab is called the grain basket of India.

The visit was very useful and informative, I met farmers, traders, brokers, processors, dealers and retailers of Agriculture and FMCG sectors. 

While interviewing many dealers in FMCG segment, I learnt many things.

Two things which excited me the most are:
  • De-odourizer is one of the fastest growing category in FMCG segment in this region. This clearly indicates growing aspirations among the youth. The more important question is who will work in the crop fields and animal farms.
  • Fodder is selling between Rs. 7 to 11 per kg.
These are clear signs of what is going to be the future of Punjab and some what about India.

Just give serious thinking about the following questions:

  •  Will youth of Punjab go back to Agriculture fields in the traditional sense (after spraying Deo)? I am sure they will not spray Deo on dhoti and kurta and with bullocks and carts. This is an indication about changing aspiration of youth of Punjab and India.
  • How it will change the agriculture practices in Punjab in terms of mechanisation and also in cropping pattern?
I will discuss these issues in detail in coming blogs, but today what I am discussing is how food inflation will change the structure of agriculture sector in India.

About a year back I said fodder will be an issue in India, at that time fodder was Rs. 2 to 3 per kg.

In last one year, farm gate milk prices have gone up from Rs. 17 to 20 per ltr. to about Rs. 25 to 35 per ltr. in villages and fodder prices has gone up to Rs. 7 to 11 per kg in various locations in India.

Based on my some understand of the sector, I have tried to make some calculations...When I discussed these calculation with people in the field and people involved in this business, they are in agreement with these calculations.

I am sharing with you...please go through the same and do let me know your views...

The way shortage of feed and fodder is becoming a serious issue, the economics of existing crops may change very fast. Crop By-products & feed materials will decide the future of cropping pattern. 

1. Are you serious about feed and fodder situation in India?

2. Do we have feed and fodder policy to ensure sustainability of livestock industry.

3. With feed and fodder, can we afford milk, egg, meat and fish in coming days? If yes, at what price?

Feel free to share your views on this vital topic.

More business information on feed and fodder you may read other articles on blog.

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