Impact of Market Forces and Patenting of Seeds on Biodiversity

Impact of Market Forces and Patenting of Seeds on Biodiversity

Now a days, all major newspapers are carrying very active debate about patents and life-forms and life saving drugs. 

The Supreme Court of India is likely to hear the case in coming days. The judgement will have far reaching impact on food security and healthcare system for common man.
What about food security?
Another area which will get attention is related to Patenting of agriculture inputs. Keeping in mind that any agriculture system, especially food, feed and fibre which is basis for survival of life and its sustainability will ensure the well-being of the civilisation should not become a tool in the hands of few corporate. 
A monopolistic situation will not only have adverse commercial interest of large number of small and marginal farmers but will also impact social and political stability of the socio-economic system and will have serious impact on moral, legal and ethical values of any society.
Impact of commercialisation of Agriculture, driven by consumers’ choice with the help of science and food laws:
According to National Centre for Genetic Resource Preservation, the seeds available for cultivation is reduced by almost 92% after start of industrial revolution. 
Pl. see very interesting chart given below: 
Who is responsible for these decline in seed varieties?
In market driven economy, when consumers are asking for very standardised product in shape, appearance and taste. The implication will be that any variety which is not meeting market expectations will vanish.
This is what is happening with biodiversity. Please look around and find out which all types of plants and pets we all are keeping. List out the breeds of pets and plants in your own locality and city? Results will be shockingly dangerous. 
Illogical food laws also destroy biodiversity:
Supported by consumer demand, food laws authorities are making laws which is forcing standardisation at all levels. These legislation force the companies to go for raw material which can meet the legal requirements at the least cost. It means any product or variety which is not having any characteristics, required by the law or not demanded by the consumers will not be demanded , promoted and purchased by the processing Industry.
It means more the demand for process able varieties by organised food industry, lesser the bio-diversity in the crop will survive. See the following very common process-able crops and what has happened to their biodiversity.
Impact:  92% of biodiversity vanished in these crops. 
Example of Crop
No. of seed varieties in 1903 before industrialization started
BY 1983, Popular Commercial Seed Varieties sold in the market
Percentage of seed varieties vanished due to no demand from the growers
Sweet Corn
 Total Impact
This happens when food laws give too much attention to physical characteristics of the fresh fruits and vegetables.
Who is responsible for the degradation of bio-diversity in the world?
1. Why blame the farmers and companies. Who is driving this change towards disaster? 
2. Is consumer behaviour good for biodiversity and food security of nations?
3. What is the meaning of freedom of choice for biodiversity and global food security?

Patenting of small seed base can be disaster: 

Now if few companies patent the 16 varieties of cucumber, 12 varieties of Sweet corn, and 17 varieties of beet. What will happen to the world market for cucumber, sweet corn and beets?

This shrinking base is monopolizing the food security in the hands of few corporate in the name of patents. The shareholders of the companies will decide the food security of the nation by deciding the seed policies. What should be the national policy to counter such threats?
Just look around a observe:
Is this sheer coincidence that there is demand to move away from water intensive sugarcane to beet for sugar production, cucumber is extensively shown in cosmetic product ranges and sweet corn is available in all major public place as snack its. 
Questions to be answered  by policy makers? 
1. What should be the Food security Plan and bio-diversity plan for the world and for the country.
2. What should be the role of food laws in promoting bio-diversity?
3. What should be the role of consumer bodies and consumers in the country? 
As a concerned citizen, you must be having certain views on this as well... why don't you share your views as well, commenting on this blog. 

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  1. The "SEED" is so powerful that it can change the moral,legal,ethical values of the food that we eat , the society we live in, the country in which we promise to prosper.

    Bertold Brecht once said "Grub first ,then ethics" What are the compelling demands of grabbing the grub ----- is it health ? Is it food security ? Is it sustainable food ? Is it processed food ? Is it a combination of sustainable food and processed food ?

    Is it only business ? Is it healthy-business?

    "Food chain governance from Macro level to Micro level -----rebalancing the food system and reconcilation with diversity into ecological farming " by Dr. Olivier De Schutter, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food -----please hear his lecture on You-tube at

    Again Olivier De Schutter at " Seeds of change ----his Brazilian experince"

    Article 9 of Intenational Treaty of Plant Genetic resources for food and agriculture of FAO protects the rights of small and marginal farmers and food policy makers/food regulators / food strategy makers should

    address these most important issues on a S.O.S. basis.

    Dr.Olivier De Schutter's lecture supports the moral fabric of the right to food as "A monopolistic situation will not only have adverse commercial interest of large number of small and marginal farmers but will also impact social and political stability of the socio-economic system and will have serious impact on moral, legal and ethical values of any society."

    Percentage of seed varieties vanished due to no demand from the growers @92% is an enough alarming S.O.S. signal to the food regulators/policy makers/ country's food security strategy makers .

    Mr. Ajoy Kumar Daspurkayastha ,BSc(Agri)Hons MSc(Food Tech)GDIP(FSQA) International Business(IIM,Calcutta)CIFST(Canada)
    Professional Agri-food Technologist , Product Developer , Food Safety Expert and International Food Business Moderator

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