In USA, People throw 165 billion, from their earnings, every year

In one Country, USD 165 Billion Wastage Every Year Who should educate these educated consumers ? By: Vijay Sardana US has almost 100% literacy. What is the meaning of this education, if they are world's biggest per capita food waster, waste generator and pollution creator. Following three questions should be answered by policy makers and all concerned citizens of the world? Why Rich and Powerful Nations create Wastage and Pollution? Are these the parameters of civilization and richness? Should School education curriculum be evaluated by UNICEF to teach civic sense and conservation of the global resources in many countries? What is the role of mass media in these countries? On the other side Young India and Africa sleeping Hungry.... With this malnutrition and hunger, do we need Pakistan or China to destroy India's economic progress? Do we have the right policies to ensure food security of Ind...