
India’s food security challenges and opportunity for Oilseeds and Edible Oil Sector

India’s Food Security Challenges & Opportunity for Oilseeds & Edible Oil Sector Click on page to enlarge

CAG & CBI must investigate - Why cartels are allowed to make food toxic in India? Who is accountable?

CAG and CBI must investigate - Why cartels are allowed to make food toxic in India?  Who is accountable? This suggested unsafe and illogical approach is are based on 100% imported inputs by Cartels, will close down many honest small and medium food companies, will make food expensive for common man, will create more plastic pollution and increase corruption at all levels and will make cartel and their in-house supporters financially rich at the cost of public health and national welfare.  Please read every slide carefully to come to logical conclusion. Please feel free to share with all.   Feel free to send your comments as well.  As a well informed citizen on this subject, I am concerned about this development and that is why raising my voice to protect health of my fellow countrymen  and open to discuss with anyone, anytime, at any forum. Are we planning to serve adultrated fortified food in India for masses? In place of addressing iss...

Globalization and Protectionism in Global Trade at POTS, Malaysia

Globalization and Protectionism in Global Trade This is my second opportunity to address the global audience from the POTS platform. Last time, it was on the Role of Foreign Funded NGOs and why development agenda of developing economies are targeted by global trading powers. You may watch that in full on Youtube in PalmTV section. Today, I will discuss following issues in detail -  Let me start with basics - Globalization is part of many global seminar and conefrences, but the fact is all of these countries practice protectionsim. So, the facts are far away rom the discussion agenda. Those who preach the globalisation the most, distort the markets the most. In 1776, Adamn Smith made gave a very simple logic in his book, "Wealth of Nations" and basis for globalization.  WTO also endorses the same, but no big power wants to follow the same with honesty. They want world should open the doors for them and their unfair trade practices should continue and no ...