Impact of Market Forces and Patenting of Seeds on Biodiversity
Impact of Market Forces and Patenting of Seeds on Biodiversity Now a days, all major newspapers are carrying very active debate about patents and life-forms and life saving drugs. The Supreme Court of India is likely to hear the case in coming days. The judgement will have far reaching impact on food security and healthcare system for common man. What about food security? Another area which will get attention is related to Patenting of agriculture inputs. Keeping in mind that any agriculture system, especially food, feed and fibre which is basis for survival of life and its sustainability will ensure the well-being of the civilisation should not become a tool in the hands of few corporate. A monopolistic situation will not only have adverse commercial interest of large number of small and marginal farmers but will also impact social and political stability of the socio-economic system and will have serious impact on moral, legal and ethical values of any socie...