COVID-19 and Emerging New World Order

COVID-19 and Emerging New Economic World Order by: Vijay SARDANA American companies greed is responsible for China’s rise and America's fall. Who invested in China the most? Why the invested in China so much - For-profit of their own or for the benefit of America? Think over it. China's rise is assured, India can also take second place, but for our low ethical standards in business, we will suffer until we put our house in order. Indian managers should realize the benefit of good governance to control short-sighted gains & greed in business management. The fact still is that without innovations, India cannot match China. In the emerging world economic order, Russia will try to destabilize American fuel and defence industry. China, on the other hand, will try to destabilize western IT, consumer products, textile, chemicals, metal industries, etc. They both will collaborate to gain leadership position in the world order....