Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reforms to address Farmers’ Distress

Proposals for Agriculture Policy Reforms to address Farmers’ Distress By: Vijay Sardana S. No. Action Required Justification 1. · Remove all types of licensing conditions from APMC Act all over India. This will improve farmers income substantially. · Allocate at least 25% shops in every mandi (market yards) for FPOs and farmers. · Ask all municipalities to allocate space for a farmers market in every colony so that farmer and consumers so that direct transactions can happen. This will reduce police intervention and corruption by local inspectors. · Example, Delhi itself is about Rs. 1,40,000 Crores food market. About 500 to 600 to 1000 people control the whole market including fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish, food grains and pulses, species and edible oils, etc. What is the tax collection? What are farm...