Is India outsourcing her food security and at what cost?

Imported Edible oils, Imported Pulses and now Imported Maize 

Is India outsourcing her food security and at what cost?

Government of India has allowed import of maize, to meet the growing demand of maize and shrinking supply base to meet the round the year demand from poultry and starch industry.

Till last week government and Niti Aayog was claiming India is food secure and we have enough food to meet the demand of people and livestock of this country. Today, India is forced to allow import of corn to control maize prices.

Look at the average maize prices in last one year in India:

These wide fluctuation clearly indicates that demand supply mismatch exist. Sharp rise and fall of prices  indicates  that  trade is not sure how much supplies India will have this year. This also indicate unreliable data management in the country.

On the other hand global prices are stable.

This is important for country like India to understand that if maize prices are not under control this will create serious problem for local poultry industry and the next target will be poultry sector.

Indian poultry industry will face  increasing  threat  from  imported chicken.

What will happen to maize and poultry farmers? If poultry will suffer, what will be its implication on soybean farmers and soybean based industry?

It is high time we must think about food security of India.

What about farmers and their livelihood and rural employment opportunities? 

Any thoughts, pl. share...

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