Traditional Foods offers better business opportunities

Traditional Foods offers Better Business Opportunities

Study Food Habits to Understand Society

The best way to understand any society, its geography, its climate, its history and its socio-economic conditions is by understanding and studying its food habits. There is no other better way of understand society because most of modern things are so monotonous and similar to any other place in the world, in fact its takes out the charm of the societal diversification and richness of any culture.

The diversity in India is what makes it unique. 

In fact India was invaded repeatedly because of its  spices not because of its gold or wealth. The taste of food that was driving every one crazy around the world. 

The sad state of affair of modern society is in place of adopting rich, nutritious and diversified habits of food, we are going for  junk, unhealthy and monotonous food habits.

Is this development? Is this modernization or backwardness of the society? I think it is important for us to rethink about or so called modern, convenient life style. 

We are what we eat:

The growing health problems and life style related diseases are clear examples that as a society we are going backward in our understanding about food. 

See the examples from each state in the picture below. Every state has healthy traditional food. Why our research institutes are not keen to improve the reach of the these products by developing suitable manufacturing an packing systems. 

The world is coming to India to enjoy its rich culture and food habits, one the other hand we are moving towards food habits which are responsible for obesity, diabetes, heart problems, blood problems and other health issues. 

Why Corporate houses are not keen to invest in Indian foods?

If you study the above picture carefully, you will  appreciate that these all food items needs production and management skills of highest order. Due to lack of their own capabilities, they are not keen to invest in India foods. They are looking for simple and easy way of making foods irrespective of their nutritional value and health implication of people and society. For many corporate money is more  important that public health, that is why their recipes and products are unhealthy in nature. 

Consumers love Indian foods, if offered properly -
Haldiram, MTRs, Nathus', Karims, Kitchen of India, Sagar Ratna, Sarwana Bhawan, Bikanerwala, etc are very successful Indian food chains and growing without any advertisement on TV and Media. 

On the other hand western  food  chains  are  advertising heavily and still consumers are raising doubts about their impact on health. The country of origin for these western products are bringing new food laws to control their adverse health implications. NGOs and civil society is forcing these corporate to change their business practices and product offerings. 

The greed of money at the cost of health is more powerful than the need of society is a classic case why these changes are not happening fast. 

Are we going in the right direction?

Traditional foods are offering profits with healthy options for consumers. Pl. explore these options both as consumers as well as investors. 

In which food items one should invest?

Please see the map of India given above carefully. You will find many items from every state which can be picked up to develop offering for the consumers. 

Important: Indian Traditional foods are just one of the examples. Traditional foods world over are developed with lot of experience of generations and knowledge of ground realities in those countries. They are nutritious, time tested and as per the local cultural and social aspects. It will be useful to explore these ideas as business potential with the help of modern hygienic, processing and packaging science. 

Unfortunately, some companies are trying to patent these wealth of mankind for their vested interests with the support of countries where there are limited traditional foods and very limited history to show to the world. These companies and governments have to learn to respect the traditional knowledge and creativity of the world.

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