New Delhi to New York - All are looking for New Vision for Agriculture

New Delhi to New York : Every one is Exploring New Vision for Agriculture

In last one month, I had an opportunity to meet people and to attend conferences and meetings from all walks of life discussing food, agriculture  livestock industry, agribusinesses, crop care industry, IT industry, banking Industry, diplomats, press and media houses, scientists and policy makers, etc. from New Delhi to New York. 

It was interesting to see that everyone is talking about food and agriculture, but every one has different perception and idea about development of agriculture sector. 

The best part was people those who have never experienced poverty and never lived in hardships imagining poverty and explianing poverty sitting in 5 star ambiance on well  layout lunch and dinner with drinks. It is really an experience to witness such discussions. 

The major drivers for the attraction towards agriculture are food inflation, food productivity, food wastage, food security, poverty, financial inclusion and new business opportunities.

Let me share some of the important issues affecting India:

People those live below poverty line are 217.35 million people. 

On the other hand Issues in India are:
  • Agriculture Productivity
  • Food Security
Issue on Global Forum:
  • Food Wastage
  • Agriculture Sustainability
Common Issues:
  • Small farmers Welfare
  • Inclusive growth

What is the way forward?

Time to think holistically in the interest of food security of poor consumers and livelihood security of poor farmers.

Do share your views on:
  1. Why holistic view is important for supply chain managers?
  2. Why livestock is missing element from all discussion?
  3. Why small farmers needs better access to knowledge?


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