CEO's Forum : Future of Poultry Trade & Industry
Poultry CEOs Forum
Organised at Hyderabad, INDIA
Traditional methods and technologies may not be able to deliver in line with the emerging challenges.
For future growth, companies will be forced to focus on new dimensions which are related to socio-environmental aspects of poultry trade.
Poultry companies must evaluate their supply chains keeping in mind their multi-dimensional impact on environment and animal welfare issues by adopting Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) approach throughout supply chain.
There can be various approaches for animal welfare.
Studies indicate Animal Welfare approach also have positive impact on productivity.
Poultry housing & production conditions will needs re-look.
Label Declarations and Corporate Statements may become Policy norms in coming days. Example of Labeling Requirements:
Consumers Trends will be also drive the changes in Production System:
Changes will be required in all aspects of Production System:
Feed Industries will also have to improve the productivity and efficiency to meet cost competitive.
While doing all modifications throughout supply chain, food safety cannot be compromised.
Feed sources will also come under stress.
Animal Health Approach also needs re-look in light of new scientific and technical developments.
The test of sustainable & profitable poultry development will be defined by improvement in supply chain based on life cycle approach.
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