
Which country can be the role model for India in COVID-19 Crisis Management?

Which country can be the role model for India in COVID-19 Crisis Management? By: Vijay Sardana Today, India touched 6000 reported cases of COVID19 .  Many countries reached this sad milestone long before. After reaching 6000 cases, every country adopted a different mitigation strategy.  Let us see the outcome of those strategies.  Based on the analysis of the available data with us. We have concluded the following: 1.   South Korea is one of the most successful country in controlling the spread. New cases per day were 126 per day. All countries should study what South Korea did better than other countries and is able to contain the spread in the most effective manner. 2.   The least effective way of containing COVID19 is in USA. The spread in USA is about 18000 cases per day, after reaching 6000 reported number of cases. What went wrong in USA planning to contain COVID will be studied. 3.   As of today, around the world COVID19 cases are growing at the r

Swadeshi In, WTO out - Lessons from COVID19 Crisis

Post COVID-19 New Global Paradigm:  Swadeshi In, WTO out By: Vijay Sardana Why, President Trump, the most powerful person on the earth, is so helpless today? USA  and EU promoted concept of globalization aggressively. What is the outcome? America and EU companies lost capabilities to provide basic drugs, healthcare facilities and medical support services. If this is the meaning of globalization, who needs it?  Where are the champions of globalization in COVID-19 era? Where are those 5-star advisers, champions of the free market and advocates of free trade regime at the cost of local employment? Why WTO is not able to address the issues faced by goods and services supplies during COVID-19 crisis? I don't see any article of those so-called champions of the free market economy, on how to manage COVID19 crisis. My request to all those advisers will be to please go and clam down, world leaders like Trump and corporate leaders those who are finding themselves helpless i

कोरोना के बाद दुनिया की चाल कैसी होगी ? Lockdown के बाद क्या होगा ?

कोरोना के बाद दुनिया की चाल कैसी होगी ? Lockdown के बाद क्या होगा ? Is relief given by GOI sufficient? (Start from 9:42 min) Will World reduce dependency on China? (Start from 18:44 min)

Why in US & EU coronavirus cases are exploding?

Why in US and EU Corona-virus cases are exploding? My assessment the huge and rising cases in US and Europe are due to poor immunity in human bodies. Body Immunity is first line of defense against unknown and known infections.  I raised this issue in WTO-SPS and Codex meeting that illogical purification of food in the name of food safety and illogical focus on fine foods and ignoring traditional foods in Codex system and world trade will kill internal immunity. Just because it was not suiting audience from western world, so everyone laughed and ignored. We studied the source of building strong immunity is largely food habits.  Their food laws have promoted bad foods in the name of innovation, convenience and development. Today, society is bearing the COST of these fake food concepts in the name of modern food industry. What India should do? India must ensure all food standards must be designed and modified keeping in mind it

Early Economic Recovery Possible - Ensure Strict Zoning & Compartmentalization

Concepts of Animal Bio-security can help in  Lifting COVID-19 Lock-down Globally   By: Vijay Sardana Follow Zoning and Compartmentalization to control the spread and revive economic activities. As an adviser to the Poultry Sector and close working experience on livestock sector and trade issues concerning food safety and bio-security. I can assure you the concepts of Zoning and Compartmentalization can help in lifting lock-down in the country, provided we all work together to stabilize cases in different locations. Let me tell you, many villages where people understand the role of bio-security  in poultry business is already practicing  it. These villages are safe. Cities must learn from the villages how to cordons of themselves for their safety. How it will work on the ground in India? If no new cases are coming in any state or district, then that state or the district can be cordoned off and no one should be allowed to go in without testing. That

National Debate Over PPE Kits Standards for Coronavirus

Should Government reduce Safety Standards for  PPE Kits for Doctors as demanded by Industry Association? Share your views.

Analysis - COVID-19 Spread Index (CSI) exposes misleading Human Development Index (HDI)

Emerging COVID-19 Spread Index exposes misleading Human Development Index By: Vijay SARDANA The Human Development Index – or simply, HDI – is an index that is used to rank countries based on human development. Human Development Index is scored using indicators including expectancy, per capita income, and education. Nations that rank higher on this index have a higher level of education, a higher lifespan, and a higher gross national income per capita than nations with a lower score. HDI is ranked on a scale from 0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being the highest human development. HDI is broken down into four tiers: very high human development (0.8-1.0), high human development (0.7-0.79), medium human development (0.55-.70), and low human development (below 0.55). Most countries that are “developed countries” have an HDI score of 0.8 or above (in the very high human development tier). These countries have stable governments, widespread education and healthcare, high life expectan