
Fact Check: : विजय सरदाना से बातचीत : किसान आंदोलन केवल पंजाब में क्यों?

Fact Check  विजय सरदाना से बातचीत :  किसान आंदोलन केवल पंजाब में क्यों? Click here: केंद्र सरकार के कृषि कानूनों के विरोध में पंजाब के किसानों का आंदोलन दिल्ली की सीमा पर पहुँच चुका है। क्या यह इन नये कानूनों को लेकर किसानों की बेचैनी है, या पर्दे के पीछे आढ़तियों के धंधे की चिंता है? सवाल यह भी है कि किसान आंदोलन केवल पंजाब में क्यों हो रहा है? इस अहम सवाल पर देखें कृषि कमोडिटी विशेषज्ञ विजय सरदाना से निवेश मंथन के संपादक राजीव रंजन झा की यह बातचीत.

विशेष कार्यक्रमः कृषि कानूनोंं पर विरोध क्यों ?

विशेष कार्यक्रमः  कृषि कानूनोंं पर विरोध क्यों ? Click here:

Taal Thok Ke (Special Edition): एक के बाद एक Bank का 'धोखा' क्यों? |

Taal Thok Ke (Special Edition):   एक के बाद एक Bank का 'धोखा' क्यों? Click here: Click here:

RCEP & India Series (Article 01): Is India competitive enough to join RCEP? The Answer is NO. Why?

RCEP & India Series (Article- 01) Is India competitive enough to join RCEP?   The Answer is NO. Why?  By: Vijay SARDANA Advocate, High Court Delhi Techno-Legal &Techno-commercial Trade Policy Expert Member on Corporate Boards & various Expert Committees Disclaimer: Views are personal. RCEP represents the future of the global economy due to growing purchasing power, large and young population. Europe is stagnating economy. The US is tapering off. Africa has limited purchasing power. Latin America is not very attractive due to geographical location and less population density. India is a huge potential, but suffering from internal challenges due to outdated laws responsible for slow pace decision making, lack of corporate governance, missing global quality standards, massive adulteration, the slow judicial system and missing innovations. All this leading to the high cost of the transaction and lower margins in the business hence discouraging fresh investments. The fa...

हैलो किसान : फार्मिंग एक्ट 2020 | Hello Kisan | Oct. 27, 2020


Constitution of India does not allow Mandatory MSP without enforcing Quality Standards

Constitution of India does allow  Mandatory Purchase at MSP without enforcing Quality Standards This will be the violation of  Article 14:  Equality before Law By: Vijay Sardana Advocate, Delhi High Court Techno-legal expert of Agribusinesses No law can be created to force anyone to buy at a given price without telling the performance i.e. quality and other essential information is the violation of the Fundamental Rights of all Citizens. This is against the doctrine of natural justice. This can be challenged in Supreme Court of India by any citizen. All citizens are Consumers, including farmers, because farmers are also consumers of other items, which they do not grow.  Please seriously think and reply to the following questions: Can any seller of seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, etc make it mandatory for farmers to buy at the printed price without knowing the quality of these products? Can we make a law to ensure that all farmers pay for medicine, fuel, cloth, utensi...

Why farmers are poor and commission agents are Rich after 56 years of FCI Procurement?

Why farmers are poor and commission agents are rich after 56 years of FCI procurement? Co mparison b etween New  Agri-Trade Laws and Existing APMC Law By: VIJAY SARDANA Advocate, Delhi High Court and Techno-legal Expert for Food & Agribusinesses   Farmers praying to God.  "Save me from the APMC cartel and ensure a fair price for my crop". S.No. Demands & Issues of Farmers Under New Laws Existing System 1.         Can any buyer approach farmers to buy their crop at market rates? Yes, under new laws anyone can pay market prices to farmers and buy the crop from farmers. No, It was not possible because the buyer can only buy at APMC mandies through license holders’ traders. This was forcing farmers to route their crop material via APMC only. Lack of freedom to sell anywhere was a major exploitation point for farmers. Buyers were not allowed to deal directly with farmers. This state-supported cartel and...