
My Short Journey with Convicted Aasaram Bapu

My Short Journey with Convicted Aasaram 'Bapu' As the Director of the Board of the company and COO, I was the frequent traveler to Rewa to my soya and mustard processing factory.  Once Aasaram Bapu was my co-passenger in flight from Varanasi to Khajuraho. He was going on his tour to deliver sermons in various places in MP. I had a chance to interact with him the one-on-one basis during flight for about 45 minutes. As soon as he entered the aircraft he started introducing him to all foreign tourists in flight and started showing his newspaper cuttings and in-house newsletter of his ashram called 'Rishi Prashad". Many passengers and air hostesses were keen to have the photo with him. After few minutes,  he came and sat next to me. We exchanged greetings and he started chatting with me. Once I introduced my area of expertise, Imagine what we were discussing - he was keen to know how and when to sell his soybean stocks and at what price. He or his trust has...

Outlook Hindi - मिलावट रोकने का लाचार तंत्र

मिलावट रोकने का लाचार तंत्र For detailed coverage, click here: खाने में धड़ल्ले से हो रहा मिलावट PHOTOGRAPHY BY- गैटी इमेजेज विजय सरदाना “  देश में मिलावटी खाना और पानी से बीमारियां बेइंतहा बढ़ने लगीं, खाद्य सुरक्षा की जिम्मेदार एफएसएसएआइ का तंत्र रोकथाम में नाकाम, सख्त कानून और पारदर्शी तंत्र की फौरी दरकार  ” राजधानी दिल्ली के सबसे फैशनेबुल और लकदक बाजारों में एक हौज खास है। इसकी प्रसिद्धि ऐसी है कि देश के अमीर और रसूखदार ही नहीं, विदेशी भी सैर-सपाटे और आउटिंग के लिए पहुंचते हैं। यहां तरह-तरह के रेस्तरां और फूड आउटलेट की भरमार है, जहां प्रेमी जोड़े डेटिंग और डिनर के लिए शौक से पहुंचते हैं। वहां भी नाम न छापने की शर्त पर आउटलेट वालों ने बताया कि उन्हें याद नहीं कि कभी किसी सरकारी संस्‍था ने किन्हीं मानकों के बारे में बताया या कोई प्रदर्शन किया हो। एक ने कहा, “कभी अधिकारी आते भी हैं तो कोई जांच नहीं होती। वे पैसे लेकर चले जाते हैं। पैसा नहीं देने पर कार्रवाई की धमकी देते हैं।” यहां के स्ट्रीट वें...

Indian Poultry Sector needs Urgent Cost Audit to ensure Competitiveness

Indian Poultry Sector needs Urgent Cost Audit to ensure Competitiveness Defective Costing Methods in Poultry Production Responsible for Farmers’ Financial Stress Why no department is monitoring cost & price in Poultry Sector? By: Vijay Sardana If I say in Indian broiler industry is the most expensive in the world. Don't be surprised. Please do the calculation and share your method of calculation in the open platform before dismissing my statement. I am willing to discuss the same with anyone. Poultry sector is going through taxing times. Majority of the farm owners are not happy with the returns on investment. There are many reasons and factors for financial challenges in the poultry sector. Today, the whole broiler industry is dominated by large Integrators and at the same time, there is many small players in the sector. The cost structure is very different in both the situations. In case of integration, the cost is highly influenced by the efficiency wh...

Investigation - How short-sighted Policies compromising National Food Security & Increasing Import Dependence?

Investigation - How Short-Sighted Policies compromising National Food Security and Increasing Import Dependence? By:  Vijay Sardana Feel free to share and discuss this vital subject. Competitiveness of Indian Agriculture is now at the mercy of importers and countries like China. If they increase the price of Agriculture inputs, there is no way the Government of India can control the input cost, because policies have ruined the domestic manufacturing. See what is happening to USA. Even President of USA is now at the mercy of China's political leadership. These expensive inputs will also force the government to revise MSP because the cost of production (i.e. A2 and C2) will go up. This means subsidy burden will go up when the government is planning to pay 1.5 times of Cost of Production. Without creating manufacturing in India and without creating competition in agri-inputs, China will decide what should be the cost of input in India and in turn cost of productio...