Corona-virus will ensure Better World for All

"Corona-virus" should ensure a Better World for All

Vijay Sardana

So far we were discussing, Cyber-security, now it is the time for bio-security. So far world was keen to secure wealth, for the first time people are concerned about health and life. 

Coronavirus crisis will be addressed soon. 

We, as the human race, do not learn unless there is a question of survival. Study of all the crisis in the world in the last 100 years clearly indicates unless we have serious external threat we never learn to work together.
Creation of the United Nations, World Bank, European Union, ASEAN, global data sharing of terrorism and illegal financing, drugs trade, human trafficking, etc. are some of the examples where wise men and women in power thought, they know what they are doing is write and everything is under control.

Same is the case in coronavirus. 

The way the Chinese government was operating and assuming they know everything and how to control the crisis until it was out of control. More or less all governments are the same. 

What benefit Coronavirus will bring to humanity?

1. First of all, policymakers will start respecting Bio-security is more important than trade policies. It means all trade policies will have an in-built element of bio-security.

2. All governments will ensure strong bio-security protocols at all international entry and exit points. This will reduce smuggling and unfair trade practices. Country of origin laws will become stronger. This will have an impact on trade laws and rules.

3. Coronavirus started from the dirty animal market.  Trading dirty market yards will be considered a threat to societies. This will force municipalities to maintain animal markets in an organised and hygienic manner. Local administration and the public should make more noise when it comes to bad management of these markets.

4. Common will learn to wash hands and to remain in clean places and avoid crowds. This will make cities less crowded and safe. Improved hygiene will also reduce sickness in people. 

5. Canteens in Schools, colleges and offices will be considered as a source of the problem if not maintained properly.

6. Hospital infrastructure in the country will improve to handle more complex diseases.

7. Political leadership will start allocating proper funds for bio-security.

8. There will be a new protocol at the international level on how to share data on various disease outbreak and how to build joint collaborative research.

Most important:

Over dependency on the region for global supply will be questioned. Sensible companies, as part of their risk management strategy, will diversify their production bases. This will spread the investments to new geographies.

Many start-ups will now work on biosecurity and personal hygiene systems.

The common man will take hygiene and bio-security more seriously. This will ensure that health is wealth. 

The benefit to Humanity :
1. More focus on personal hygiene
2. More sensitivity about bio-security among policymakers
3. Better research & technical international collaboration
4. Better investment policies
5. New trade policies and laws
6. Incompetent administration will be exposed due to frequent outbreaks
7. healthcare infrastructure will become better
8. Overall improvement in hygiene standards will reduce medical bills
9. Companies will be forced to ensure proper hygiene in commercial establishments

Any lapses mean, the source of origin will be the first sufferer, not the distant target and cannot blame others for the crisis. 

On lighter Side: Don't loose cool. Don't get angry with anyone, otherwise, you will be quarantined on a precautionary basis, if the sensor finds your body temperature is not normal, irrespective of your designation or status.


  1. Positive impact on environment due to reduction in carbon footprint by airlines and other traveling mode by people around the world.

  2. Bats and other causing animals are playing role of fruitful hosts for such types of viruses outbreak. Increase in temperature of environment creating resistance to survive and mutate such types of pathogens and viruses at higher temperature.This outbreak is a small signal to control climate change otherwise more diseases causing organism are ready to welcome.


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