
Showing posts from April, 2019

PepsiCo sues Indian farmers over 'exclusive' potatoes

PepsiCo sues Indian farmers over 'exclusive' potatoes

National Elections without Agenda - Turning Point for Indian Politics & Democracy

National Elections without Agenda -  Turning Point for Indian Politics and  Democracy By: Vijay Sardana Please look at the scale of democratic process and what we all are discussing today? National elections of India in 2019 are elections without agenda. Just think over and please indicate what are the major issues flagged by the political parties. Ruling party is not talking about achievements. They are also not sharing their development vision for India. Opposition  also failed in presenting alternate governance model and has no vision for India except highlighting the failure of ruling government. The only agenda all political parties have is how much tax-payers money they want to waste to bribe  voters in the name of free doles to come to power. Why these elections are turning point for Indian democracy? The only thing which has become crucial in these General Election is that elections are polarised between tw...