National Elections without Agenda - Turning Point for Indian Politics & Democracy

National Elections without Agenda - 
Turning Point for Indian Politics and Democracy
Vijay Sardana
Please look at the scale of democratic process and what we all are discussing today?

National elections of India in 2019 are elections without agenda. Just think over and please indicate what are the major issues flagged by the political parties.

Ruling party is not talking about achievements. They are also not sharing their development vision for India.

Opposition also failed in presenting alternate governance model and has no vision for India except highlighting the failure of ruling government.

The only agenda all political parties have is how much tax-payers money they want to waste to bribe voters in the name of free doles to come to power.

Why these elections are turning point for Indian democracy?
The only thing which has become crucial in these General Election is that elections are polarised between two camps i.e right wing and left wing. There is no middle path now.

Voters and citizens of India are forced to take a clear view on the ideologies and take sides in the election campaign.

In absence of any tangible and meaningful political debate, Social media with wider reach and selective content, in place of mainline media (i.e. Press and TV), is shaping the thoughts. 

Political parties and political leaders are losing political space and ideologies are making impact on the thought process of voters and citizens.

The question now people are asking is which ideology is good for India - Center to Right Ideology or Center to Left Ideology?

Crucial question now - is this good for India or not?

What will be the implication of this in coming years on social and cultural fabric of India?

What will be the priority and development agenda for India?

Will this election force all political parties to shift their ideologies after elections?

Are we expecting new political equations emerging after these elections?

Will horse trading decide the power equations or the ideologies?

The fact is, this is testing time for voters and citizens of India because when political parties are not keen to discuss election manifestos, candidate selections are delayed till last date of filing nominations and political speeches are only about personal targets, in this situation the only hope is wisdom of voters of India.

After Election 2019, no political parties should be blames for mess in India. The voters are solely responsible for the governance they deserve and they will get the same.

Let us wait for 23rd May 2019 (the counting day) to know what voters think about India and its future.

What do you think? Do share your views in comments section. 

For updates, follow on twitter: @vijaysardana

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  1. I fully agree with you Sardanaji.
    What options we have? We have very few voters who think at national level. Still there are millions of voters who give preference to local issues and local persons and can be easily manipulated!
    The root of all corruption is money required for elections. If we change election system, it can be helpful. Then more and more qualified people will come in politics and the situation may improve.

  2. True facts of today's Indian politics ! Chor or chowkidar could not be direction for voters

  3. A really good quick light on the subject sir.
    I think the electorate of this country will definitely force these political parties to think for people's agenda first.

  4. Excellent Bhai, all the political parties now are Industry. Tax payers are taken for a ride in the name of freebees. Needs some control on this and accountability on promises should be also criminalised


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