Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister for the Budget 2019-2020 for New India

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister for the Budget 2019-2020 for New India

The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India

New Delhi

Respected Sir,
You are planning for New India by 2022, undersigned is sharing my thoughts for the same which can be initiated from the upcoming busy session.
My proposals are to benefit farmers, students, local economy and employment. I am not proposing any subsidy allocation for the New India.
1.  For better health: India is short of 4 lakh doctors, control medical education fee so that more people can afford medical education and establish new medical college per One crore population or one in 5 districts to develop local talent for medical education and services. Please don't expect after paying heavy fees for education people will work in rural India. They have to also pay education loan as well. When institutes are greed, don't expect doctors to do charity. Control this greed by law.
2.  For Better Education: Higher Education sector should be liberalized so that foreign universities can establish campuses in India, this will save about Rs. 80,000 Crore every year which is going out of India for higher education. This will force local universities to upgrade the education quality for survival and India will save foreign exchange. Education mafia is hurting both quality of education and as well as economy.
3. For Warehousing and control of food wastage: Create 1000 tons multi-compartment warehousing facility for farmers crop in every panchayat. This will save Rs. 100,000 worth food wastage and losses. This will also boost rural economy, food and feed processing for domestic and export markets.
4.  For control of hoarding and inflation: All warehousing facilities approved by WDRA must be online on a common portal to ensure no hoarding happens and raw materials can be channelized wherever required. Inflation can be managed better, and industry can source raw material more cost-effectively.
5.  For Farmers Income: Ensure minimum 50% of shops should be reserved in all APMC markets for Farmer Cooperatives or FPOs. This will help in improving farmers income and farmers will be able to deal directly with consumers and plan their crops better. Role of middlemen will be minimized, and prices can be stabilized. Consumers and farmers both will benefit.
6.  For Energy and Pollution Control: Make LED bulbs and solar technology mandatory in all offices and public places including street lights to save power and fuel. This will reduce pollution as well.
7.  For Water Shortage: Establish at least 100 very large seawater treatment plants along coastal India for household consumption and for irrigation purpose. Filtration cartridges used in RO treatment plants can be supplied by any PSU at low cost so that operating cost remains low. The water of inland water bodies and rives can be used for landlocked areas.
8.  For faster Justice: There must be a target to fill all the vacancies in the judiciary, for making society law-abiding and peaceful.
9. For Control of Corruption: All inspectors in every department must have their mandatory daily reporting online in Digital India like the inspection reports, crime reports, etc. This will help in tracing movements and activities so that corruption can be controlled or at least tracked.
10. For Stray animals: Sexing of semen should be made mandatory for artificial insemination to control the problem of stray animals.
11. For start-ups an self-employment:  Interest rates on micro-financing must be controlled to benefit poor’s. Today, large companies pay less interest and small companies pay more interest. This cannot help in employment generation. The only benefit is to importers where large companies are not operating, imports are growing at faster rates because the small sector is suffering due to the cost of capital.
12. For Risk management: Use drone technology in rural areas. Clubbing of farms in the whole region for insurance is a bad idea. Now with drone policy in place, agriculture insurance should become farm specific. This will benefit individual farmers.
13. For Public transport: Public transport should be encouraged by making them reliable using GPS Technology and Pooling apps.
14. For Tourism and employment: Unregulated Flexi-fare by Airlines is hurting the tourism industry and local economy. Local tourists prefer to fly to an international destination in place of within India because airfare and hotels are cost effective. There must be a restriction on flexi-fare of airlines so that tourist can come to India on short duration say weekends because now we have visa-on-arrival option. This will boost the local economy.
15. For Employment: All PSUs should be asked to buy locally made products mainly from the MSME sector to boost employment without compromising on quality. These PSUs can use their CSR funds for skill development of their vendors.
Sir, I am aware that many vested commercial interests, political and religious groups may oppose some of these suggestions, but for vibrant New India, you must take a stand and cannot please everyone.
New India needs an out-of-box thing and a good leader who can lead the country under various pressures and interest groups.
Can Indian political leadership deliver? Only time will tell.
With best regards,
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