Press - Indian Industry Raises Concern over Dumping via FTA

Indian Industry Raises Concern over Dumping Via Free Trade Agreement (FTA) A surge in imports from China and countries with which India has signed free trade agreements (FTAs) is heaping misery on domestic stainless-steel manufacturers, prompting them to seek more permanent measures to stem inflows, according to the Times of India. New Delhi (Sputnik) — Alleging that neighbouring countries like China are misusing the Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with India to the interests of their domestic industry, India's stainless steel industry has drawn the attention of the government, calling for more effective measures to stem dumping of steel by such countries. Studies conducted by the industry have shown that despite several measures undertaken by the government, imports account for nearly 20% of the domestic market, the Times of India reports. "It has become a huge problem. Jobs are getting lost and causing tremendous disruption. It is being dumped via Japan, Korea, Viet...