
Showing posts from January, 2018

Country of Agriculture - How to solve Agriculture Crisis?

DNA Money: Country of Agriculture -  How to solve Agriculture Crisis? Country of Agriculture but Farmers' committing suicide and 1/3rd population deprived of Food Click here :   (Statement of Vijay Sardana from 38th minutes - 4 minutes video clip mentioning policy changes) Feel free share...

Budget-2018 - Test of Modinomics & Political Courage

Budget-2018:  Test of Modinomics and Political Courage Can Modi Government address Farmers' Concern & Rural Economy in Budget 2018? By:  Vijay Sardana Views are personal Before reading this article you can also read Election manifesto of the government as well. To read please click here:  Agriculture & BJP Election Manifesto   (Can Modi Government deliver?, I wrote this article in Jan. 2015) Agriculture Produce Marketing is the biggest rural economic activity. Short-sighted political considerations has ruined rural economy by creating highly inefficient agriculture marketing system, created state-sponsored cartels of middlemen linked to political parties  to exploit farmers  and consumers. This has not only resulted in  far lower than expected private investment in rural  economy of India and drain of tax payers and government revenues. This is leading to unemployment, food inflation, food social indi...

Watch - How to Ensure Fair Price for Farmers - वाद संवाद - किसानों को कैसे मिले लाभकारी भाव

वाद संवाद -  किसानों को कैसे मिले लाभकारी भाव किसानों की आय 2022 तक दोगुनी करने में सफलता उनकी उपज का लाभकारी भाव मिले बिना नहीं मिल सकती। क्या सरकार की लागत घटाने और एमएसपी बढ़ाने की कोशिशें रंग ला रही हैं? इसमें कोई अड़चन है क्या? क्या ज्यादा भाव देने में अर्थ व्यवस्था का वैश्वीकरण बाधा है या फिर किसान हित और उपभोक्ता हित में टकराव हैं? देखिए नीति आयोग के सदस्य डा. रमेश चंद के साथ भाजपा सांसद मुकेश राजपूत, आउटलुक के संपादक हरवीर सिंह और कृषि अर्थशास्त्री विजय सरदाना का वाद संवाद- किसानों को कैसे मिले लाभकारी भाव सिर्फ डीडी किसान पर। Click here:

Proposed Contract Farming Act in India: Possible Risks, Challenges and the Way Forward

Proposed Contract Farming Act in India: Possible Risks, Challenges and the Way Forward   By: Vijay Sardana International Agribusiness and Trade Laws Expert Production and marketing contracts cover a growing share of agricultural production in many countries. These formal written contracts are increasingly used in place of spot markets, where commodities are bought and sold for immediate delivery, to set prices for agricultural commodities and market them, as well as to govern product quality, quantity, and production techniques. It is important to note that the expansion of contracting is closely tied to other developments in agriculture, such as: ·   increasing farm size, ·   greater demand for customized products, and · tighter product monitoring from production through marketing. Contracts can provide farmers with important benefits, such as: ·     reduced income risks, ·     easier access to credit, or · higher p...

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India on issues need urgent attention in 2018

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India on issues need urgent attention in 2018 To, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India New Delhi Jan. 1 st 2018 Happy New year to you and to all the citizens of India and readers of this blog. In 2018, the challenges will be very complex both in global front and also in domestic front. This will be the most crucial year for the political governance, political leadership, and also for many states administrators before many state elections and also general elections of 2019. With every passing day, we are adding to the list of challenges and there are many serious issues which are hurting common man very badly. Some of them are mentioned below with possible options. Citizens of India seek the attention of people in power with a request, please address some of the following challenges or at least share your plans which are time-bound so that citizens can feel comfortable. Factual Position: Between 2017 and 2018, there...