
Showing posts from January, 2017

Watch - Part - 2 - Why political parties are doing politics over timing of ...

Part - 2 :   Why political parties are doing politics over timing of "Budget"? For Part 1, Please click here: Part - 1 :   Why political parties are doing politics over timing of "Budget"? Click here:

Watch - Part - 1 - Why political parties are doing politics over timing of "Budget"?

Part - 1 : Why political parties are doing politics over timing of "Budget"? To view, Part-2, click below: Part - 2 :   Why political parties are doing politics over timing of "Budget"? Click here:

10 Action Points to address Rural Poverty

10 Action Points to address Rural Poverty By: Vijay Sardana Addressing agriculture sector challenges will be important to India’s overall development and the improved welfare of its rural poor: 1.   Focus on Agricultural productivity per unit of land not just total quantity:  Raising productivity per unit of land will need to be the main engine of agricultural growth as virtually all cultivable land is farmed.  2.   Ensure Sensible use of natural resources: Water resources are also limited and water for irrigation must contend with increasing industrial and urban needs. Increasing competition for water between industry, domestic use and agriculture has highlighted the need to plan and manage water on a river basin and multi-sectoral basis. 3.   Address strong regional disparities by decentralised approach in execution strategy and planning: Rural development must benefit the poor, landless, women, scheduled castes and tribes. Moreover, t...

Will Modi Government's Budget address "Man-made Poverty"?

Will  Modi's Government B udget address "Man-made Poverty" in villages? By: Vijay Sardana When income is less than expenditure, this will lead to poverty or bankruptcy. In agriculture, when cost of production is more than the price realization from the farm output, this will lead to poverty among farmers and in rural economies. India is a global agricultural powerhouse. It is the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses, and spices, and has the world’s largest cattle herd (incl. buffaloes), as well as the largest area under wheat, rice and cotton. It is the second largest producer of rice, wheat, cotton, sugarcane, farmed fish, sheep & goat meat, fruit, vegetables and tea.  The country has some 195 m ha under cultivation of which some 63 percent are rainfed (roughly 125m ha) while 37 percent are irrigated (70m ha). In addition, forests cover some 65m ha of India’s land. India’s food security depends on producing cereal crops, as well as increasing it...

Can Agriculture Policies of India eliminate poverty and ensure food security?

Can Agriculture Policies of India eliminate poverty and ensure food security? Disclaimer: All data are from official sources only. Why per capita income in agriculture dominating states is lower than national average?  Punjab and Haryana are not agriculture states according to share of agriculture in State GDP. Let us discuss a case of Punjab.  Punjab is not an agriculture based economy. It is fuelled by NRI remittance and Service economy. It is important to note area under cultivation of major food crops are going down in Punjab, because they are no more profitable to farmers due to various reasons. We all talk about irrigation as the key factor in productivity and profitability of farms, please look at irrigation percentage in Punjab it is 98+ percentage. Now the question is, why Wheat and Paddy farmers of Punjab not happy even with assured irrigation and moving away from these crops? What is the use of education in fertili...