Open letter to Prime Minister on "Make in India" Challenges

Open letter to Prime Minister on "Make in India" and Challenges for Honest Manufacturers Dear Sh. Modi ji, Hon’ble Pradhan Sewak of India I heard your appeal for “ maan ki baat ” to share ideas with you. Let me draw attention to you on something very basic and fundamental issue, because I never heard you talking about food safety and adulteration in India. I know it will put India in bad light, but we can't ignore the facts on ground as well. You attention can change the situation, that is why I am raising this difficult issue. It was shameful experience when some foreigners asked me in a conference, what are you doing as country under 'Make in India' to check adulterated and unsafe products for your own citizens. · Why you are not willing to offer safe food to your own people, why only exports are of interest to you? · Will "Make in India" ensure food safety and healthy food for your own people, befor...