Can Modi Government deliver on agriculture promises?

 Agriculture and BJP Election Manifesto

Can Modi Government deliver on agriculture promises?

The new government has taken many initiatives on industrial and financial sector front, but farmers of India are still waiting for the action plan on Agriculture from Modi Government (or you may also call it - BJP-led NDA Government) as promised in BJP manifesto.

Please see the BJP manifesto and commitments made for Agriculture. 

BJP Manifesto for Food  Security and Sustainable Agriculture
The following demand urgent solutions: economy including agriculture, energy, environment including natural resources, education and health, employment, external and internal threats to security, empowerment, Governance, and erosion of moral and societal values.
The BJP-led NDA Government's record of holding the prices is a demonstration of our commitment to break the vicious cycle of high inflation and high interest rates. Our immediate task will be to rein in inflation by several steps, such as:
  • put in place strict measures and special Courts to stop hoarding and black marketing.
  • Setting up a Price Stabilisation Fund.
  • Unbundle FCI operations into procurement, storage and distribution for greater efficiency.
  • Leverage on technology to disseminate Real time data, especially to farmers on production, prices, imports, stocks and overall availability.
  • Evolve a single 'National Agriculture Market'.
  • Promote and support area specific crops and vegetables linked to food habits of the people.
Food Security:
BJP has always held that 'universal food security' is integral to national security. BJP will take steps to ensure that the benefits of the scheme reach the common man and that the right to food does not remain an act on paper or a political rhetoric. BJP will review all the laws and schemes, in consultation with the states, to ensure a corruption-free efficient implementation of food security, which would be a priority. BJP will:
  • Review the successful PDS models, and incorporate the best practices to revise the existing PDS, for benefitting the common man.
  • Address the issue of under-nutrition and malnutrition.
  • Encourage the production of cereals, pulses and oils.
  • Radically transform the Food Corporation of India (FCI).
  • Ensure contingency stocks for any exigencies arising due to natural calamities or external factors.
  • Seek the participation of voluntary organizations in running community kitchens.
Employment and Entrepreneurship:
We will strengthen the traditional employment bases of agriculture and allied industries, and retail through modernization as well as stronger credit and market linkages.
Center-State Relations
The genuine grievances of every state will be addressed in a comprehensive manner. Help the states mobilize resources through investments in industry, agriculture and infrastructure.
Agriculture - Productive, Scientific and Rewarding:
Agriculture is the engine of India's economic growth and the largest employer, and BJP commits the highest priority to agricultural growth, increase in farmer's income and rural development.
BJP will:
  • Increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.
  • Take steps to enhance the profitability in agriculture, by ensuring a minimum of 50% profits over the cost of production, cheaper agriculture inputs and credit; introducing latest technologies for farming and high yielding seeds and linking MGNREGA to agriculture.
  • Put in place welfare measures for farmers above 60 years in age, small and marginal farmers and farm labours.
  • Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques and optimum utilization of water resources.
  • Introduce soil assessment based crop planning and setting up mobile soil testing labs.
  • Re-orient pest management and control programmes.
  • Implement and incentivize the setting up of the food processing industry that has remained just a plain talk till now. This will lead to better income for farmers and create jobs. We aim to set up 'agro food processing clusters', with high value, export-quality and vacuum packed food processing facilities, etc.
  • Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.
  • Set up the 'Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India', to promote organic farming and fertilizers, and provide incentives and support for marketing organic produce.
  • Introduce rotation farming for herbal products, based on geographical mapping, to enhance the income of farmers.
  • Implement a farm insurance scheme to take care of crop loss due to unforeseen natural calamities.
  • Strengthen and expand rural credit facilities.
  •  Promote horticulture, floriculture, pisciculture, bee-keeping and poultry for generating jobs and income for rural India
  • Promote fish farming and aqua culture. Measures would be taken for the welfare of fisherman
  • Create Cluster based storage systems (e.g. Rice cluster, Wheat Cluster, Veg - Fruit cluster, Spices cluster).
  • Introduce the concept of consumer friendly farmers' market to reduce wastages and increase incomes and risk coverage.
  • Reform the APMC act.
  • Work with the states to set up seed culture labs in each district and regional agriculture innovation labs to conserve agro-biodiversity and to identify and preserve rare indigenous varieties.
  • Explore setting up of regional Kisan TV channels.
  • Give high priority to poverty alleviation in rural areas.
  • Genetically Modified (GM) foods will not be allowed without full scientific evaluation on its long-term effects on soil, production and biological impact on consumers.
  • Land acquisition is a contentious issue due to the opacity of the land acquisition process. BJP will adopt a 'National Land Use Policy', which will look at the scientific acquisition of non-cultivable land, and its development; protect the interest of farmers and keep in mind the food production goals and economic goals of the country. It's implementation would be monitored by the National Land Use Authority, which will work with the State Land Use Authorities to regulate and facilitate land management.
  • The power and functions of the National Land Use Authority would be similar to those of other regulatory bodies.
Poor and Marginalized - Bridge the Gap:
Our Government will be a government of the poor, marginalized and left behind.
We will aim to gainfully employ rural poor in agriculture and allied activities.
Rural Areas - High Priority:
Agriculture, rural development and poverty alleviation go hand in hand. Major thrust area for rural development would be to improve village level infrastructure in terms of roads, potable water, education, health, supply chain, electricity, broadband, job creation, security in rural areas and linkage to markets.
Foreign Direct Investment
Barring the multi-brand retail sector, FDI will be allowed in sectors wherever needed for job and asset creation, infrastructure and acquisition of niche technology and specialized expertise. BJP is committed to protecting the interest of small and medium retailers, SMEs and those employed by them. The FIPBs (Foreign Investment Promotion Board) functioning shall be made more efficient and investor friendly.
Children - the Future of the Nation:
Ensure effective implementation of the Right to Education, Right to Food Security Act.
Health Services - Increase the Access, Improve the Quality, Lower the Cost:
Reorganize Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in order to converge various departments dealing in healthcare, food and nutrition and pharmaceuticals, for effective delivery of healthcare services.
Science and Technology - India Innovates and India Leads:
We will focus on the following:
  • Ensuring food, agricultural, nutritional and environmental, wealth, health and energy security of the people on a sustainable basis, using science and technology.
  • Mounting a direct and sustained effort on the alleviation of poverty, enhancing livelihood security, removal of hunger and malnutrition, reduction of drudgery and regional imbalances, both rural and urban, and generation of employment, by using scientific and technological capabilities along with our traditional knowledge pool.
  • Encouraging research and innovation in areas of relevance for the economy and society, particularly by promoting close and productive interaction between private and public institutions. Sectors such as agriculture (particularly soil, water management, human and animal nutrition and fisheries), water, health, education, industry, energy including renewable energy, communication and transportation would be accorded highest priority. Leveraging of technologies such as information
  • Technology, biotechnology and material sciences would be done with special importance.
  • Encouraging research and application to meet the challenges of climate change and for forecasting, prevention and mitigation of natural hazards, particularly floods, cyclones, earthquakes, drought and landslides.
Railway for Agriculture
  • Indian Railways is the lifeline of the country. It will be modernized, strengthened and upgraded to serve passengers as well as the country's economy. This will be done in a planned manner focusing on national development, rather than political exigency.
  • Hinterland will be connected to the ports through strategic new Rail networks.
  • Agri Rail network will be established - with Train Wagons designed to cater to the specific needs of perishable Agricultural products like milk and vegetables as well as light weight wagons for salt movement.
Cultural Heritage and Agriculture:
Ganga: River Ganga is a symbol of faith in India, and has a special place in the Indian psyche. It is Mukti dayini. In addition it is also Jivan dayini for the parts of the country it flows. People and cattle depend on it for agriculture, fodder and drinking water. Pure water of the Ganga is thus essential for the spiritual as well as physical well-being of India.
Cow and its Progeny: In view of the contribution of cow and its progeny to agriculture, socio-economic and cultural life of our country, the Department of Animal Husbandry will be suitably strengthened and empowered for the protection and promotion of cow and its progeny.
  • Necessary legal framework will be created to protect and promote cow and its progeny.
  • A National Cattle Development board will be set up to implement a Programme for the improvement of indigenous livestock breeds.
Secure Indians - Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime:
Comprehensive national security is not just about borders, but in its broad terms includes military security; economic security; cyber security; energy, food and water and health security; and social cohesion and harmony.
To effectively address the issues of national security, we need to address the issues of - human resources, science and technology, system of governance and money.
E-Governance: Easy, Efficient and Effective:
We will pursue a mission mode project under the 'National Rural Internet and Technology Mission' for use of telemedicine and mobile healthcare for rural healthcare delivery; use of IT for agriculture for real time information; Self Help Groups; retail trade and SMEs; and rural entrepreneurs, etc.

What should be the action plan of BJP in 2015. Any guess?

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