Americans like Breast - Indians like Legs - What next?

Americans like Breast - Indians like Legs What we should do? I am not making any vulgar statement or trying to create sensation by this statement - I am just narrating the facts which is the talk to every event organized by poultry industry in India. India’s import restrictions on chicken legs and some other farm products from the US on fears that “low-intensity” bird flu can affect public health are not in line with multilateral trade rules, a World Trade Organization panel has ruled. This means India will now not be able impose restrictions on imports of farm products, including poultry products, from countries reporting low-intensity bird flu on health grounds which would in turn open the Indian market to low-priced chicken legs from the US and potentially opening up an estimated $300 million a year export market for the United States. U.S. chicken exports to India more likely after WTO ruling. Chicken Trade: Based on the consu...