In which direction we are moving the Nation?

In which direction we are moving the Nation? By: Vijay Sardana With imported pen ink, when we draft our national policy to make India economic superpower of the world, what do you think, what happen? We lack conviction and resolve to achieve it. Is it possible to have such policy and action plan when we know today most of the pen used by policy makers are not made in India or belongs to a multinational brand. The fact is we have not even created a pen which can be proud off. Our pen companies boldly write ink is from Japan or Germany or R and D from Japan and Germany. Why we are not able to produce any meaningful contribution for our own daily life as a nation? Is it that difficult to have in-house R and D for ink of the pen? Who failed us? Government sector or private sector or both? High time to think about it. Who will answer this? Which law is stopping us from developing the ink for the pens? Can industry highlight the reason...