Can Central Bank's (RBI) Policies boost Economic Growth without addressing Food Insecurity?

Can Central Bank's (RBI) Policies boost Economic Growth without addressing Food Insecurity? By: Vijay Sardana Photo from The Telegraph With the growing inflation of food items, poverty is enhancing in India. Quality of life and health is suffering. It is extremely important that we should focus on improving the food supplies. It is also important that we should plan ahead and be ready to feed the growing population and also to meet growing demand of agriculture raw material by industries as well as to meet export demand. Food security is must for peaceful democracy: In last few decades our agriculture scientists have done a great job to feed the nation. Now time has come we should relook into the agriculture as a foremost profession because without food security no democracy can sustain its meaningful significance for the common man. Any country depending upon food and energy security based on imported supplies cannot retain its independent policy environm...