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How to address Pulses Crisis in India?

How to address Pulses Crisis in India? “Pulses Diplomacy and Pulses Management” Action Plan for Policy Makers By Vijay Sardana Domestic demand is out pacing the domestic supply base. Demand is about 28 million tons and supply is about 18 million tons. Few economist assume due to poverty people can't afford pulses so the actual demand is about 23 to 24 million tons. I feel poverty should not be an excuse for  justifying  demand and supply gap. poor needs better nutrition because of unhygienic and difficult living conditions.  There are few pulses which are very popular and few are less popular because of recipes and traditional uses. There are many other field crops which are used as pulse and also in may other applications. We should keep these in mind when we are planning for pulses.  There are many reasons for inflation and demand -supply gap in pulse. This can be discussed in detail separately. These issues should be address keeping 3 to 5 years’ time horizon

Uranium Contamination is the cause of cancer in Punjab, not pesticides.

Medical Research / Investigations says, Uranium Contamination is the cause of cancer in Punjab, not pesticides. Why Facts are ignored and Myths are shared? By: Vijay Sardana As a consumer, I am always concerned why there is always much negative news about food and cancer in India that too from one region only. I started exploring the facts to understand the facts. It was very interesting to note that there is a systematic campaign to defame Indian agriculture and hurt the farmer's interest in the globally competitive industry and to defame Indian agri-input industry. Please keep in mind – no one is a saint in this world, not even 5 star NGOs. They also need funds to survive and to meet their expensive needs. People distort facts and go the extra- mile to fulfil their vested interest. NGOs are no exceptions, they are also manage by average human beings, not saints. Let me share some of the facts for you to evaluate the factual position: As early as 1995, Guru

Pesticide Laws and Regulations - Contest between for Science and Politics hurting the Progress

Pesticide Laws and Regulations in India Need to address the conflict between Science & Politics in the law-making process in the national interest By: Vijay SARDANA   FICA, MIMA PGDM (IIM-A), LLB, M.Sc. (Food Tech) (CFTRI), B.Sc. (Dairy Tech) PG in Intl. Trade Laws & Alt. Dispute Resolution. IPR, PhD (in Progress) Advocate, Delhi High Court Techno-legal Expert  on Agribusinesses & Agri-inputs, IPR Issues, Commodities Trade & Consumer Products Industries & Founder & Convenor Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture Foundation, New Delhi India and growing food security challenges: The worldwide population is projected to increase to 9 billion by 2050 (United Nations). To accommodate this increase, food production will necessarily need to increase as well. However, new agricultural land is limited, so sustainable production and increasing productivity of existing agricultural land is an important aspect of addressing global food security. India will be the count

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister on ill-conceived 'Sugar Control Order'2024'

Sh. Narendra Modi ji The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Prime Minister Office New Delhi  Subject: The proposed "draft Sugar (Control) Order 2024 " is in conflict with Ease of Doing Business. Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Sh. Modi ji, The Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India shared "the draft Sugar (Control) Order 2024 " on the 22nd of August 2024. The shared document says that the review is due to the technological advancements in the production process ,  The document also says there are multiple changes in the sugar secto r wh i ch necessitates revamping the existing Sugar (Control) Order , 1966 .  A copy of " the draft Sugar (Control) Order 2024 " is shared for comments/suggestions. General observation: At the outset, the undersigned has the following observations. The "draft Sugar (Control) Order 2024 " has not mentioned or highlighted any