Why some Non-State Actors (NGOs) are keen to make India Food Insecure?

Agriculture Policy Discussion Note Why some Non-state Actors (NGOs) are keen to make India Food Insecure? (Other developing countries may also be facing the similar situation) By: Vijay Sardana Do you know , the popular OTC medicine Asprine is 38 times more toxic than urea. Salt is 2.5 times more toxic than urea. Vitamin-D which promoted in fortified foods by FSSAI is more toxic than many pesticides, urea and many medicines. NGOs, Courts and policymakers responsible for the delay in adoption agriculture technologies by farmers must provide our plan for food security of India. India needs the addition of 20 million tons of food to meet the minimum nutrition requirement for a growing population. NGOs should Food Security Plan of India: I request NGOs to please submit the detailed food security plans to feed India’s poor and unfed population. If they do not submit their plans they should be asked to keep off from the vital food security matters. Fail...