How to address Animal Welfare issues and its implications on Indian Poultry Sector?

How to address Animal Welfare issues and its implications on Indian Poultry Sector? By: Vijay Sardana Animal welfare regarding poultry sector is becoming an issue of debate in the country and all stakeholders must understand animal welfare issues with respect to poultry sector in detail before they express their opinion on the subject in any forum. Animal welfare is a complex, multifaceted, international and domestic public policy issue with scientific, ethical, economic, legal, religious and cultural dimensions plus important trade policy implications. It is a responsibility that must be shared between governments, communities, the people who own, care for and use animals, civil society, educational institutions, veterinarians and scientists. Till be develop our own norms, we should study the various work done by OIE while working in animal welfare standards. At the international level, OIE is the reference body who is studying various parameters related to animal we...