
Showing posts from January, 2016

Budget 2016 - What to Expect?

Budget 2016 - What to Expect? Please fulfil election promises as mentioned below. In 2014, major election issues were food inflation and employment. Let us go back to election manifesto of ruling party, with a hope following issues will get due attention. S.No. BJP Manifesto for Food  Security and Sustainable Agriculture 1.          The following demand urgent solutions : economy including  agriculture, energy, environment including natural resources, education and health, employment, external and internal threats to security, empowerment, Governance, and erosion of moral and societal values. 2.          The BJP-led NDA Government's record of holding the prices is a demonstration of our commitment to break the vicious cycle of high inflation and high interest rates.  Our immediate task will be to rein in inflation by several steps, such as: put in place strict ...

Open Letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India to address challenges of common man

Open Letter to Mr. Modi,  Hon'ble Prime Minister of India to address Challenges of Food Inflation in Budget To, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Prime Minister's Office New Delhi Happy New year to you and your Cabinet colleagues. Now onwards, food inflation will be the major challenge for economic recovery of India. When average citizen is already spending more than 60% of income on food, and remain goes for house rent, medical bills, education, local transport, social security. After these basic needs, where is the money in the hands of consumers to purchase non-food items and support economic recovery. Where is the money to pay EMIs for housing, vehicles and other items.  People are not enjoying even festivals now a days due to inflation. Cost of education and healthcare is already becoming illogically high and no attempt is there to control these extortions imposed by essent...