The National Agriculture Market Is A Big-Bang Reform – But Can The Government Pull It Off?
The National Agriculture Market Is A Big-Bang Reform – But Can The Government Pull It Off? If the government manages to overcome some of the hurdles and create an efficient and transparent national agriculture market, it will be the biggest political victory and economic reform at the grassroots level of any government. – A lot of rural local political leaders and political agents are entrenched in APMCs and draw funding/support from it. – The current agricultural trading system, with large amounts of cash transactions, is a major generator of black money. The government will need a lot of political will to abolish cash transactions in agriculture commodities. – If the government succeeds it will be the biggest reform for the benefit of rural population and will be the biggest driver in investment in rural India. A market is ‘an actual or nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and where buyers and sellers interact (direc...