Dairy Sector - The Key Player for Nutritional Security in India

NDRI Hosting National Seminar on "Dairy Sector - The Key Player for Nutritional Security in India" (For Details, pl. read below) 7 th National Seminar on “Dairy Sector: The Key Player for Nutritional Security in India ” Dates: 19-20th September, 2014 Venue: NDRI, Karnal SUGGESTED PROGRAMME 19 th September, 2014 (First Day) 0900 – 1100 hrs Registration 1000 – 1130 hrs Inaugural Session Milk is often regarded as being nature’s most nearly complete food. It earns this reputation as it provides most of the nutrients which are essential for growth of human body. However, like many other developing countries, in India milk is produced by smallholders and setting up an efficient, hygienic and economic dairy chain is a serious challenge apart from meeting the expected demand of 200 million tonnes by 2021-22. To achieve the qualitative and quantitative t...