Should we make India dustbin of the world?

Should we allow India to become dustbin of the World? I know it is risky but you have to pay for my product, don't ask any question, this is my business, who are you? Yesterday (18th August 2014) in The Times of India, New Delhi Edition, on page 12, I saw an art icle , titled "Munna Bhai F SSAI". It is a classic case how ignorance a bout the subject can create confusion in the society and create mistrust between various stakeholders. On matters related to sc ience, editors must ensure that reports must have factual information and must quote the well researched reference of documents in support of their argument. Opinion s based on misleading information or planted b y vested interest group shows the weakness of standards in journalism. It is high time that country should clearly decide the role of editors and code of conduct in Newspapers I ndustry as we are expecting or planning to do for political class and judiciar y. Hopefully, some...